Making Planters out of Popcorn Tins

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Sharing the easiest (and possibly cheapest) DIY you’ll ever find 🙂 How to make planters out of old popcorn tins!

I wanted to add a faux christmas tree on either side of our front door for the holiday season, and happened up a pair of these popcorn tins for $1 a piece at our local thrift store. They happened to be the perfect size, so I decided to go for it!

Here is how I turned a pair of these old christmas tins I foudn at a thrift store….

Into these gorgeous black planters for my faux christmas trees!

What you’ll need for this:

– flat black spray paint
– popcorn tins
– potting soil (if you’re adding a faux tree)
– plastic bags / paper towels (again, if you’re adding a faux tree)
(the trees were purchased at Hobby Lobby)

I wanted my tree base to start at the top, so I stuffed plastic bags and paper towels into the bottom to build it up. I then placed a spare piece of wood from our garage to give the tree a flat surface to rest on.

I poured potting soil around the sides to give the faux tree a more realistic look.

And…. voila! As I said, easiest DIY known to man! 🙂

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